Day 16 (Fri., 5/22)

Surprise, surprise. I did the laundry tonight, and happened to look out the window to see soap suds in the area we just excavated! It seems that during the digging they uncovered a seperate drain pipe from the kitchen that didn't connect to the rest of the system inside the house. Instead it came out under the front porch and connected out in the yard. Since they didn't know it was there the trackhoe just ripped it out of the ground. So until we get that "fixed" I can't use the kitchen sink, run the dishwasher, or use the washing machine. And naturally we can't get anyone out to even look at it until Tuesday, since it's Memorial Day Weekend.

Kieth tried to cover the exposed dirt with plastic in a vain attempt to keep it from getting any muddier. I dug a small pit and put a sump pump in under it to try to pump the existing water out. It's starting to look like a swimming pool, Maybe I should just line it and put in a diving board and start charging admission to the neighborhood kids.