Day 20 (Tues., 5/26)

The plumber, who was supposed to come back after all the debris was removed from the area of the broken pipe, showed up at 7:30AM with three helpers and the contractor. When I left to go to work they were digging a trench from the front of the house to the street!? I asked what it was for, and they told me it was for the new water service I wanted them to install.


Some discussion ensued, and we finally got everyone to understand that we just had a broken drain that needed to be fixed. I found out later that they were planning on spending two days doing the work, and I would have been charged about $2,500! As it turns out, they fixed the pipe by reconnecting the ends of the old pipe with a piece of plastic pipe about 12' long. Probably about 15 minute's work, and $20 worth of parts. The plumber charged us $240.

Most of today was spent trying to get the water out of the area so they can set the forms in place. The plastic was a two-edged sword; it kept the new water off the ground while it was raining, but it also prevented the old water from evaporating when it wasn't.