Day 28 (Wed., 6/3)

Finally, it looks like things are going to start moving ahead!

The first floor arrived! This is all of the material for the first floor framing and floor system. The wall segments are pre-framed, the windows and patio door are already installed. The floor system has to be assembled from individual components, though. They're hoping they can get the entire first floor assembled today, then bring the crane in tomorrow and finish the second floor and roof.

Here's the $1,500 door I let them talk me into buying. I was going to get the same thing for $1,078 from a local manufacturer, but the contractor offered to split the difference if I let them put it in to guarantee a proper fit. Somehow I don't expect to see that $200 when this is all over.

Amazing. They've been working on this for five hours, and so far they've laid down the vapor barrier (the black plastic) and the mud sill along the top of the foundation. (sigh)

Well, they did stick around long enough to finish the floor system. Tomorrow the inspector should be here to sign off on the floor system and then they'll finish the first floor. Hopefully they'll start on the second floor by afternoon; I've already arranged for the kids to stay home from school (and I'll stay home with them, of course) to watch it.